Wednesday, August 10, 2016



This is how your child connects to you and others in their world. This is a learned connection based on their temperament and experiences.

Temperament? - So many parents have told me that their child was born with certain traits.


easy going, 
love to be touched, 
sensitive to being touched, 
cries a lot, 
doesn't cry at all. 


hard to sooth.

Experiences? This is what does the world bring to their eyes and fingertips?  Lets start with mom and dads. They bring their temperament, yes it is the same as the as the above list.  

What is your basic sense of attraction to your baby:

     How warm is the flame, how cool is the water, how deep is the lake, how strong is the current.

Love takes many forms.  

Back to Experiences: You learned how to attach and now your child is doing the same. In an easy environment a child's attachment has the potential to feel like silk, in a chaotic environment a child's attachment can feel like a cactus.  Sometimes no matter how hard you try it feels prickly. 

Therapy with children always addresses attachment, no matter whether you are seeking help for potty training, ADHD treatment, OCD, fears, school adjustment or any concern you have for your child. Therapy creates the opportunity for a child to attach and rework some of their difficulties.  Parents can also learn to re-attach to an often difficult child.

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