Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Starting Therapy...

Starting Therapy with your child......

Every parent that I have met over the past 30 years has tried their best to help their child. People most often come to therapy because things just haven't improved. Sometime a third person can make difference.  I understand peoples resistance to treatment.  Just acknowledging the problem is hard enough, but then having to show your families struggles to another person about it can seem intolerable.

This is where the skilled therapist comes in.  Reducing the blame and shame for parents and child is my job.

We often do not even notice how much weight we are carrying.

Most children enjoy coming to therapy. Therapy is a place with few expectations. No punishment, No harsh consequences.  Some structure, some rules. A space in their lives to be themselves, whether it is happy nervous, mad or sad. 

So why do they need therapy?
Kids can: 
Feel alone.

                                                                        Be Mad 

                                                                      Feel Scared

These are all normal feelings, they only become  problems when they are to big , too strong, or happen too often.  

When you see a change in behavior in your child that is an important clue.  Ask yourself: How does my child usually act?

Now notice if they are: 
  • Doing more poorly in school compared to the past, 
  • avoiding the family, 
  • wanting to be with friends less, 
  • refusing to go to school, 
  • more angry, 
  • more defiant, 
  • eating more or less, 
  • having trouble sleeping, 
When kids are feeling bad they let us know through their behaviors.  

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